Thursday, October 12, 2017

October 13

Kindergartners and Preschoolers learned about fire safety this week!
Dear Fireside Families,
We look forward to seeing parents over the next couple of weeks at conferences on October 17th, 19th and the 25th. Please be sure to sign up.  As always we strive for 100% participation and value your partnership. 
Last week's Walk to School and 5th graders Guitar concert
For parents who were unable to attend this week's Talented and Gifted Coffee and would like to learn more about TAG programming in BVSD, please view the following slideshow:
Talented and Gifted 101 Fireside Elementary or contact Janine Fitzgerald, our Educational TAG Advisor for more information. 

New This Year:
District-wide, report cards will not be sent home via Friday Folders, instead, parents will access them electronically beginning on Monday, Nov. 13th. The only exception will be Kindergarten, which will be sent home hard copy in envelopes. 
Interested in learning more about out the progress of our bond project?
Visit here 

As always, thank you for all the ways you serve and support our school community and for participating in your child's learning experience.  

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  1. Link for TAG Slideshow is not accessible. This message pops up after logging into Google:

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