Friday, September 16, 2016

Sept. 16

 Dear Fireside Families,
      Given that we are now full swing back into the school year, it is time to step back and check-in on our family balance. At the Keppler household, with two daughters in competitive soccer and a spouse who's also a principal, sometimes it's easier said than done.  Yet, somehow, what helps us strike that ever delicate balance is when we each realize how we contribute to support the family as a whole and stop and accept that's it's ok if those shoes don't get picked up off the entryway floor. 

     As our lives get filled, we often get caught up in the chase versus the moment. Listening to parents share "moments" about their Kindergartner's beginnings at Fireside during our Principal/Parent Coffee reminded me about how important it is to find the joy in each moment. Hearing our kinders come home and share about how they "love to learn" is truly what matters most. How do we share these joys each day at home and within our classrooms? Instead of our continued emphasis on "How hard did you work?" what if we asked, "What brought you joy today?"

     Watching our kids in the garden and seeing our 5th graders journaling in our outdoor classroom are some of those experiences our kids benefit from at Fireside- both bring me joy to watch!  

     Speaking of outdoor spaces, I'm not sure if our families have noticed, but thanks to Christ the Servant Church, families joined together to beautify our grounds last weekend- everything from trimming shrubs and general maintenance to creating a new red-stone pathway. 

     Another joyful moment- take a look at what our 1st grade film crew created - a blockbuster videoclip for our Jog-a-thon. 
First Grade Jog-a-Thon Movie

Other Important News:
  • We are still actively seeking new members to join our School Accountability Committee. Don't let the word "accountability" scare you away. While we will use some of the time to discuss achievement goals, it is also an opportunity for rich discussion regarding topics of interest. Please email me if you are interested in serving on this committee Our first meeting is October 6th from 5:30-7pm.
  • Assessment Day: Monday, September 19th
    • Parents have been notified by teachers about grade level plans. 
  • Parent Teacher Conferences: Oct. 13, 18, 20
    • A Google Doc will be sent home on Sept. 23rd for parents to sign up.
I hope to see our parents at the upcoming Principal/Parent coffees. It's a wonderful opportunity to meet other parents, stay connected with your school, and be a part of our Fireside Family.

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