Thursday, May 10, 2018

May 11

Dear Fireside Falcons!
It's been an exciting close to our school year with so many culminating events including field trips, field day and plowing the fields of our Fireside garden. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't stop and give thanks for this amazing home for learning, exploration, and the safe spaces we've created to nuture habits for learning. 

While the staff plays a critical role in our success, it's also our strong volunteer base, as well as the trust and support of our families that makes Fireside truly shine. Speaking of which, the staff was touched by all the creative expressions for staff appreciation week. Thank you Lee Hamiliton and Kate King for coordinating the week! 

Proud of our Destination Imagination Team! 

We hope to see parents at our Volunteer Reception on Tuesday, May 15 from 5:30-6pm for an informal gathering. Please join us for light hors d'oeuvres and a social in the libary at Fireside. RSVP here
We are also appreciative of our community weekend warriors-Dan Wizotsky, Tom Swett, Aidan Swett, Jim Van Nelson, Sebi Van Nelson, Mike Sarver, Isaac Sarver, Gary Norman, Drew Beckwith, Macy Beckwith, Veran Radebaugh and Xixi Shen for their help cleaning up and beautifying Fireside over the Earth Day weekend. They moved branches, raked pine needles and built stairs to the primary playground. 
As we close out the school year, I often try to push the "pause" button during the day, even if for a moment, to truly take in the buzz of learning throughout our school. It's also a time when I reflect on the year, listen to new ideas, and plant seeds for the year to come. 
Over the coming days, I hope all of us take a moment to step back and reflect on the past year, ask your child about their memorable moments and acknowledge their accomplisments.
I am so proud to be a Fireside Falcon and my greatest hope is that every student embodies  the same spirit of Fireside PRIDE.
Proud Falcon,
Mrs. Keppler