Friday, January 12, 2018

January 12

Dear Fireside Families,
We had a spirited PRIDE assembly today incorporating movement, the 5th grade PRIDE Advisory Team provided examples of "Showing Fireside PRIDE", our counselor, Ms. Wilson, reinforced self-regulation skills, and we announced the return of Fireside's talent show. Coming together as a community provided a strong start to 2018! 

Here are slides from Ms. Wilson's presentation and the Zones of Regulationwebsite should families wish to discuss the framework or learn more about fostering self-regulation and emotional control with their child/ren. I encourage families to consider designating a calming corner at home and incorporating some of the strategies we are using at school. 

Community members may have heard about the loss of a former Fireside student, Will McDonald. We have many fond memories of Will. Our prayers and thoughts are with his family at this very difficult time.  

Blessings to you and your family. 
Enjoy the three day weekend and thanks to each of you for making Fireside an amazing place to learn and grow together!