Friday, October 21, 2016

October 21

Dear Fireside Families,

It's been a wonderful past couple of weeks of conferences. If for some reason, you were unable to attend, please contact your child's teacher to reschedule. Our teachers sure appreciated the homemade meals during conference nights!  A special thanks to our volunteers for your contributions and Lucky Pie night- my first slice of our locally owned pizza place- yummy!

Thursday afternoon, we were the recipients of the Green Star School Award for practicing zero waste for the past five years. Ask your child/ren what Eco-tips they've learned this past week and how might they apply this learning in your home?  We will also be recruiting 4th and 5th graders to participate as "green advocates" on our newly formed, "Green Team." Look for a flyer in this Friday's folders. To learn more about ways to conserve and reuse, please visit the Eco-guide 

Would you like to learn more about TAG programming at Fireside? Join Ms. Fitzgerald, Kate LeMere, and myself from 8:15-9am on October 25th in the Fireside Amphitheatre for a TAG Coffee . Please RSVP for this event by contacting Kathryn Wolf in the front office: 720-561-7900. 

BVSD is sponsoring a special film series: 
Families are welcome to attend, on October 27, the first of the Innovation in Education Film Series: Most Likely to Succeed. The Innovation in Education Film Series was created as an opportunity for us, as a larger community (teachers, parents, students, community members and other partners), to consider these national shifts in education and what we might learn from the experiences of other schools and districts who are also embracing this challenge. Most Likely to Succeed offers an inspiring look at what students and teachers are capable of — if we have the vision and courage to transform our schools. Audience members call it the most compelling film ever created on the topic of school. For more information and to reserve seats, visit:

As always, thank you for your partnership in learning!

Friday, October 14, 2016

October 14

Dear Fireside Families,

On Monday, staff engaged in "design thinking"  by working collaboratively and creating structures. The design process is an example of using the "Innovator's Mindset". We hope to ignite design thinkers at Fireside!

Next week Fireside will be recognized for their environmentally conscious practices during the Green Star Assembly on October 21st. Students will also participate in a variety of eco-friendly activities hosted by Eco-Cycle.  Be sure to check out the Eco-guide to incorporate green practices into  your home. 

If you have any gently used Fireside spirit gear your children have outgrown, feel free to drop it off in our red collection bin in our entryway. 
Congratulations, Nora Moynihan, for being recognized for your artwork at the BVSD art show!

-With the change in seasons, we begin to see an increase in tardies and lost and found items. To support your child and family with attendance and timeliness, check out these helpful tips here.
-Halloween Parade: We look forward to our Halloween Parade on Monday, Oct. 31st at 8:15am, families are welcome to join us! Students may come in costume and parties will follow immediately thereafter.  We kindly request no blood, gore or weapons with costumes. Any parents choosing to come in costume, we request that no masks are worn.
Community events:
FREE S.T.E.A.M. educational shows given by CU Faculty Professors from several academic departments. See here for more information:

As always, thank you for your partnership in learning!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Oct. 7

Dear Fireside Families,

Another exciting week at Fireside! During today's PRIDE assembly our Mad Hops student jump-ropers demonstrated their "Excellence" and "Determination" with a lively show. Be sure to check out JumpNrope in downtown Louisville if your child was inspired!

Some parents have asked for training and support on the different types of technology being used at Fireside. Please help us meet your needs by completing the brief Parent Technology Survey.

Fireside Fall Conferences  begin next week. The last day to sign up is October 10th. Our attendance goal is 100% participation!  As we all know, staying well informed about your child's learning makes all the difference. 

Interested in hearing what was discussed during last night's School Accountability Committee meeting? Please click Here. An ongoing topic is educational funding. I encourage our parents to be well informed about the Operational Levy 3A on the November ballot. Following are two other resources that show Colorado in comparison to other state educational funding.

    Did you know October is Dyslexia Awareness Month? Here's an event that will be hosted in Longmont. Simulations are quite powerful experiences for understanding Dyslexia.

    Would you like to learn more about TAG programming at Fireside? Join Ms. Fitzgerald, Kate LeMere, and myself from 8:15-9am on October 25th in the Fireside Amphitheatre for a TAG Coffee 

    Parent Technology Presentation:
    Parenting in the Digital Age is still uncharted territory. How can we use technology to empower our children without it causing them harm? Professor Brian Housand from East Carolina University will equip parents with tools and strategies to help them navigate in this ever-changing digital world.

    As always, thank you for your partnership in learning!